The Easiest 3 Minute Diet!

There’s all kinds of ideas to resolute yourself to improving: Better organization, better time management, spending more time with family, being purposeful when in the moment, getting back into an exercise routine, and of course, losing weight. These are all admirable ideas to put into practice. One I want to focus on today is weight loss. I call this the 3 minute diet (that’s about how long it takes to explain it).

It’s also on my YouTube channel. Click here to watch it.

The Atkins diet, the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, plant-based diets, intermittent fasting, and a whole bunch more make the whole diet thing very confusing.

Thankfully, one diet can help nearly every person: the plate planner.

Let me review. First, 9-inch plates — those are the typical American plates. Saucers are about 5 inch plates, while salad plates are 8 inch plates. Some people think salad plates are saucers. They’re not. The 5 inch plate is a saucer. The truth is, plates have gotten bigger over the years. If you don’t believe me, check out the cupboards in older homes. Since the last few decades, the standard American plate is 10 ½ inches or bigger. Bigger plate means it fits larger portions of food which means you eat more. Yes, there have been studies demonstrating this is exactly what happens.

Back to the plate planner. Take a plate and divide it in four quadrants. One quadrant gets starches. Whole-fiber starches like beans and sweet potatoes are better.

One quadrant gets meat or protein. Lean poultry, fish, and vegetable-based proteins are better. And the other half of the plate gets vegetables. Raw, cooked — whatever fits there. A couple caveats, though. Corn is a grain, not a vegetable. And if it has an animal product included, it goes to the protein or meat side.

For example, broccoli is a vegetable. Broccoli with cheese sauce is a meat. Salad with vinaigrette? Vegetable. Salad with ranch? Meat. Now, why is this the case? Cheese and ranch dressing are composed of saturated fat, the same found in meat. A vinaigrette dressing however, has the same types of fat—monounsaturated and polyunsaturated—found in vegetables.

That’s it. That’s the whole diet.

Everyone’s busy and the plate planner is an easy, simple, and great way to look at how you’re consuming your food to lead you towards better health.

Do this for 12 weeks and see the results! At the very least, give it a full 30 days! Results don’t lie and cheating only hurts yourself. Remember, nothing tastes as good as fitness feels.

Now as you go about your day see something that inspires and do one thing every day that uplifts you! Keep looking up!

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