DIY After Sun Spray

Okay! Summer is here! Like really here! And in many areas of the country it’s blistering hot! So I thought I’d share a do-it-yourself sun spray recipe you can make at home that will feel good to the skin after long hours in the sun!

Protecting your skin from the sun is step one. But, if you spend long hours and aren’t protected either with clothing or sunscreen, well, your skin suffers.

So be smart and protect your skin! Click the video link and watch it on my YouTube channel.

This recipe has four ingredients of which one is optional and makes 6 ounces of product.

What you’ll need:

½ c. witch hazel
2 TBSP aloe vera gel or liquid
2 TBSP carrier oil (Avocado, Olive, Sweet Almond, Jojoba) (optional)
10 drops Lavender essential oil
10 drops peppermint essential oil
Glass or plastic spray bottle (8 oz)

1. Add all ingredients into the glass spray bottle and shake until everything is combined.
2. Spray on the skin after being outside and exposed to the sun for longer than desired.
3. As the mixture sits, the oils will separate. Always shake the bottle before using.
4. Reapply as often as needed.

The larger bottle leaves head room for shaking. Of course you can split into two 2-ounce bottles.

Witch Hazel is an astringent. It has anti-inflammatory and inti-viral properties. Witch Hazel can help reduce the chance of skin peeling if sunburned.

Aloe Vera is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing. It will help keep the skin moist which will keep it protected.

Carrier Oil(s) will feel good on skin. This is optional to add. Leaving it out won’t change the formula much. I like it as it has a nice emollient feel when I rub the skin after spraying.

Lavender essential oil soothes and cleanses skin.

Peppermint essential oil is cooling and feels good on skin that’s been overexposed to the sun.

Stay hydrated and share your smile with a stranger. Keep looking up!



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